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There are very few things in life more terrifying than the thought of being on the death bed and realizing that your life was a waste and that your legacy will not carry on to your posterity. Being an entrepreneur is not about how much fiscal success one can obtain, how much recognition we receive, or even about whether or not the business itself was a success; it is far more profound and powerful than mere success. The Entrepreneurial journey isn't about what we can make, it is more about what we become in the process of creating this journey. My father once told me that creating a business is like creating a monster, it starts out so small, just a little debt to get things off the ground with just a few low risks. But as time progresses, and we continue to feed the monster, it grows, and grows, and grows and left unchecked, it will consume the soul. Being a entrepreneur can literally drain away life and consume a man. It is imperative that we control the monster and keep our head
Recent posts

What if?

The phrase 'what if...' has tortured more souls than any other phrase, besides maybe 'if only I had...'. I have found that the entrepreneur's journey is not easy, but it is so worth it to go for our dreams, even if they do end in what we see as disaster. Thomas Edison failed far more than he ever succeeded, yet his success as an entrepreneur/inventor literally lit up the whole world! I believe that it is very similar for us today. We take educated and well thought out risks knowing that we could very well fail in a few endeavors, but we also understanding that even if only one of those endeavors succeeds, it could change the world. My goal is not to become a rich millionaire who squanders away millions for frivolous pleasantries. I wish to provide something that will bring relief and happiness to others and fill some gaps that have been left open. By looking at life through this new perspective I believe that I can achieve the entrepreneurial dream and do something

Never Be Somewhere You Can't Say No

I was deeply impacted by the concept of never being somewhere I cannot say no, especially to something that is dangerous for moral or ethical reasons. I greatly appreciated this concept and believe that this will be something that I will keep at my center. I must work to create a better me by instilling this principle and the many others I learned. It is true that as a entrepreneur our ability to manage a business and family time is very difficult and I hope to learn more of time management in the hopes that this will bless my family and future. I hope to learn more about how to make money in a wise way and how to use it correctly like Jim, I really respect him and love the idea of retiring at 35 and serving for the rest of my life. I have set the goal that My wife and I will retire at the age of 45, maybe 7-8 years sooner than my father is going to retire, he is planning to retire at the age of 53-54 as a financially independent adult. I hope to learn these strategies and especially h

The Monster We Grow

I learned about the importance of having faith in oneself as an entrepreneur and understanding that risk taking is necessary but also wisdom and patience is important when seeking the prize. Corey Kesler, a great entrepreneur and mentor for me, shared that his biggest regrets involved not charging enough for what he did and the amount of time having a business takes from family life. The complexity and diverse forms of operation within a business is fragile at best, and must be considered with great care. The balance between family and entrepreneurial endeavors is precarious and is not a game to be taken lightly. It is imperative that creative thinking and reason be entwined together to create feasible innovation that increase the marginal revenue of production. By innovative thinking and utilizing capital in efficient ways we make production less expensive dramatically increasing revenue and increasing profits of the company. Investing in capital is necessary to bolster revenues, but

People who execute are number one

I have enjoyed learning about the attitude of a successful entrepreneur and that profits do not define the success of a business. I have thoroughly enjoyed learning that the attitude for success is a win-win situation by leading with our examples and through love. By doing our best to bless the lives of others and listening to what they need rather than simply trying to guess at what they want, we will experience success in our various occupations and start-up attempts. Because of this course my wife and I are now contemplating the idea of creating our first little business, a small restaurant! Plans are being made as we apply what we have learned and we hope that what we are going to learn will help to fill in the gaps that we have right now. This week I learned about the attitude of executing orders and commands to the best of my abilities. I have learned that by being proactive I will differentiate myself from others and that I can gain other people's respect by doing rather tha

The problem is not the problem

I enjoyed the videos and readings this time around as well. My critical thinking process of how to solve problems dramatically improved thanks to the idea that many times the technical problem is not the real problem, rather it is often times based on human error. This led me to re-evaluate how to problem solve and I have come to realize that for anything in life, especially in a family or business, it is vitally important to trace all problems to their source so that they can be corrected, not just mitigated. It is imperative that critical thinking skills develop and that we never succumb to defeat in the face of adversity. While it is certain that there is a degree at which quickly redirecting energy is imperative, in general our focus is to reach our goals and progress as entrepreneur heroes. To endure every catalystic blow eventually brings better days to those who believe in Christ, as stated by the prophets, when faith and an excellent disposition are present. Accordingly it is

Good habits cleaves to good company and good living as well.

This course so far has been great to me, I have learned so much this past week about the importance of habits and how to become a successful person. I believe that by being ethical in all of my decisions and perusing the path of mastery in all areas of my life by applying good habits that I can be successful and bring much joy to my family as well as the world. Entrepreneurship is not a easy course and is not for everyone, but I have a dream and believe that this course has been invaluable to me personally. I look forward to learning how to actually manage and run a business, what is it really like to go all in?  I also hope that by following the advice of my own mentors that I will be able to better myself and my wife and I's entrepreneurial endeavors. I loved learning about the 7 highly effective habits of successful people and found that by looking into myself that I could see different qualities that I liked and other ones that I wish to better. The talk by Gordon B Hinkley w